The Music Shops


Founded in 1968 the first dedicated guitar shop in Denmark Street later to become Rockers at number 5 and now no longer a music instrument shop but home to Relentless promotions


 Here is a list of Tin Pan Alley’s music instrument shops 


( 1st Floor )
25 Denmark St
020 7 836 8008

Andy Gibson – Guitar Maker-Guitar Repairer
The Basement
25 Denmark St 

Tel 07936 372869

27 Denmark St
0207 240 2610 or
0207 379 1139

No Tom
6 Denmark St
Tel (0)20 7240 7500

25 Denmark St
020 7836 2856

Regent Sounds
4 Denmark St
0207 379 6111

Tim Martin – Guitar Repairer-Guitar Maker
1st Floor at 9 Denmark St 

Rose Morris & Co
10 Denmark St
020 7836 0991

Tom’s Drum Store
0203 3077 1137

24 Denmark St
0207 836 8374

20, 22, 23, Denmark St
0207 379 0737 (guitars)
0207 240 1063 (bass)
0207 240 0998 (keyboards)

Go to the shops and buy something!

Crispin Weir – Regent Sounds 4 Denmark St

“Denmark Street has been the crucible of the UK music industry for years. Every one of us who works and abides here is part of that tradition. Be proud of your involvement in helping the current, former, and next generations of musicians on their next step down the path. Remember what it was like to be the over-excited, dork of a teen riling the staff with your guff chords, and how important those early days were. Understand that everyone who steps over the threshold of the places we serve is just like us, and needs us. Celebrate this, and celebrate what the Street is at it’s core; the means by which those who are of our kind become themselves, and the place where they can matter.”


The Save Tin Pan Alley campaign would like to thank Ray Dorset aka Mungo Jerry for his continued support seen here with Shakey Lavonne aka Clive from Soho’s finest band the Ponces, and Bruce Brand (The Masonics) and Plato Contostavlos (far left)


Denmark Street’s  guitars shops are open for business and we’d like you all to show your collective support by buying something there whenever you can. Your support will mean a lot to everyone. Spread the word please

This from Henry Scott-Irvine the Save Tin Pan Alley Founder-Chairman 

As an integral part of the Save TPA campaign we want our musician friends – along with the 31,000 Save TPA petition supporters – to ensure the street’s retail outlets remain in place. They need your personal support right now and well into the future. These shops will remain open in Denmark Street up until Crossrail officially opens in 2017/18 – or so we are assured by the property developer Consolidated who also happens to be the freeholder/landlord! We at Save TPA also want all of the shops to remain in place thereafter. This can only  be done by your collectively supporting these music shops by making a purchase, no matter howsmall. Actions speak louder than words. Shops can only be sustained by people shopping, not browsing. Save TPA has the support of Camden Council’s Planning Department here who are ensuring that ‘Clause 106’ will legally determine the principal of keeping this as ‘a street of music retail’ alongside the desire to make this a Heritage Zone like Hatton Garden, in The London Borough of Camden, too.


NB THIS IS from Beat Instrumental magazine from 1969 RIP Top Gear and Rockers